The idea behind the ROAR (Resistance and Opposition Arts Review) online project, launched on April 24, 2022, and published bi-monthly, is to introduce its readers to the artifacts of the contemporary Russian-language culture—from poetry to music scores, from articles to fiction, from web design objects to art reproductions, graffiti, and short videos—opposing the loyalist and servile official culture, which in extremes merges with the blatant propaganda serving the current criminal political regime in Russia. By no means do we intend to present ourselves as an exclusive platform offering the possibility of expression for the oppositional Russian authors; yet it is an honor for us to become one of such platforms with the help of those who put their works in our hands.
ROAR does not have a regular editorial grid; each issue is assembled around a new concept the editorial team sees as particularly significant at the time of publication. It should come as no surprise that the first issue is centered on Russia's war against Ukraine. Every issue will be published at least in two languages: as a complete Russian-language version and a digest in English. We will be incredibly grateful to those of you who might be interested in translating the digests of ROAR into other languages; if this is something you might be interested in doing, please get in touch with us at
Even now, we’re looking forward to the moment when ROAR is closed forever, that is, the moment when there is no more need to label a certain segment of the Russian-language culture as opposing the criminal Russian regime, solely by reason of the fact that this regime ceases to be. However, before it happens, we’ll be doing what we can to ensure that ROAR, at present made only through volunteer effort, continues to come out.
If you have any questions, or you want to discuss possibilities for a collaboration, or you are willing to offer your own works for publication, you can always contact us at
Yours faithfully,
Linor Goralik, ROAR Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, and the ROAR team
© 2022
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