Translated by Elena Mamontova

On the 23rd of February my Darling told me: if there’s war tomorrow, we are flying away. He eventually did, by himself, on 24th, as we were frightened they'd start the mobilization and close the borders.

The first three days after the beginning of the war I, left alone, couldn’t eat or sleep. I just refreshed the newsfeed, hoping for some negotiations to start and that everything will be settled.

I took off on the first of March and with every kilometer I felt that the horror was letting go, and just the hope remained that the Good would prevail soon. Because there are more good people in the world. It was 9 months ago.

As for the numerical superiority of the Good.

In my favorite book “Harry Potter and Methods of Rationality”, there is a story that Voldemort was initially a mystification, a purposefully created image of primitive evil. His creator planned to make a threat, then to deal with it quickly and to achieve power and people’s love.  But something didn't go as planned.

The Evil had about 50 servants, most stupid and cruel (so that no one would feel sorry for them when they are disposed of).  And the whole of magic Britain would be against Evil.

But it turned out that you only need 50 villains to make British magicians lay down their arms and admit their helplessness.

The creator of Voldemort, aka a potential folk hero, couldn’t convince anybody to fight, as the threat from the villains was real. They could cast forbidden spells, do things that the good magicians didn’t dare to.

And then the creator realized that it is actually possible to hold Britain in fear with an army of only 50 people. And turned into Voldemort himself.

Because the Good has no fists. That is what the Good is - it has nothing to fight with.

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