Translated by Shashi Martynova

the silence of the tiger cubs


the it’s-complicatedniks and the above-the-frayers

the liberants and the reluctant migrants

the leaverants and the deserters to the right side of history

the spreaders of truthful information

the stars of inner emigration

the members of the evacuated population

the sitters on the mental suitcases

the adventitious relocatees the dead musicians

the figures in cases the fabricators

the ressentiment kuzmichs

the we’re-brothers vs. the piglets

the combat lugger-inners

the blue-pumpkined green ones at the recruiting depots


military preachment

military commandment

military backwaters with fluffy ducklings

military brood with little crucifixes on little necks

military sermon

military bun in the oven

military throes

military obstetrics

military smooch on a fragrant crown of a head again and again

dark-red military placenta still hot in the arms of a midwife


basic tension of a third party

high alert of an unfriendly party

curtailment and regrouping of a dehumanized party

brotherly party at buried premises

learned helplessness on a party of Cargos 200


leaving the nest of red lines pining for hinterland forget-me-nots

passing by celestial decision-making centers of Lucifer’s storm troopers

we’re heading for a temporary residence at a safe distance

on a Russian flying ship

visa-running between the clouds watching

trajectories of parallel imports

helicopter distribution of second grade precarity passports

continuing offense of a spring rain

contingency downpour of its οn-target drops

we perceive ourselves as an exchange pool bogged down in extracts of antlers

we fall like nuclear bloom of liberated people along the horizon

above the spare motherland the spare sun’s rising


safeguarding the children from harmful info

forcibly displaced children-persons

kicking the children abroad

the children in Z-formation

house search in front of the children

annexation of the children

Prigozhin’s children

the children of a major

the children of February

turbo-patriotic children

the children of flower protest

this is corruption of our children

used-to-be future of our children

preemptive attack on the children for the children

the results of working over the children

the children in plastic bags

supposedly the children of the bald one

children: tasty full stop

creeping childhood

Russia without children


silent support of unlawful conduct

silent support of the unanimous silence

the silence in a checkout line

the silence at a bus stop

the silence in a parents’ whatsapp

the silence as mum as you can

the silence in an art gallery

the silence of a certain popular performer

the silence of wives

the silence of mothers

the silence of priests

the silence of imams

the silence of rabbis

the silence of lamas

the silence of the white cranes

the silence of the tiger cubs